*Phew* - what a busy week!! My last 7 days have been consumed by general day-to-day business tasks, bookkeeping, taxation planning, an accounting meeting, a marketing meeting, a wonderful 3 day visit from Mum, the Old Bus Depot market on Sunday, researching, prototyping and manufacturing.
And I have these little guys to unleash as a result of some of that work:
I'd like you to meet two little Kuma.

Kuma are adventurous little wheat filled, heat pack/cool pack, hacky sack toys.
Initially I wanted to design a fun rice toy that could be used as a juggling sack/hacky sack - did anyone else have little rice pillows for games in early primary school??

...and they evolved from being rice-filled toys into wheat-filled toys due to the propensity of wheat for heating and cooling. So now they can be tossed, thrown, kicked around and generally played with...and when you're done playing they can be warmed or cooled and they'll happily settle in with you for a hot/cold cuddle.